Category: Motorcycle
Hits: 3217
Kids on the Bike in San Ignacio

Another in the long string of annual Baja rides. But, this time in the Fall for a change.

A helpful bunch of kids (no, really, helpful!) cleaned the dust off my bike while I lazily watched from the comfort of a bench under the shade trees on the town square in San Ignacio. A very pleasant way to spend an afternoon. They earned ice creams for all.

This became "my trip", but not in the usual good way. Flats. I'm an expert now. Starting around day three, I achieved the distinction of averaging three flats a day for the remainder of the trip.

Ugg! Not another flat!

We used up every tube all five of us carried then worked our way through Nate's patches (by the way, I owe you a few Nate). Fronts, backs, they all went flat. On the last day I finally found the issue, both tires had cracked on the interior surface. The result was tube pinching on each revolution as the cracks opened and closed. Mefo tires will no longer be on my prep list for a Baja trip! I've taken that firm off my Christmas card list.

Every Baja bike trip is great no matter what happens and this was no different. Click here for all the trip pictures (of flat tire repairs!).