Category: Motorcycle
Hits: 2287
Tenting overnight on the beach

Fast becoming an annual destination, José, Dan and John just completed another week of motorcycling in Baja Mexico. This makes something like the 4th or 5th group visit. Once again, great riding, locations and people.

We saw whales up close and personal, once again. Went as far south as Mulege. Spent time with the Baja legend and fixture CoCo at his place CoCo's corner (now on the official AAA Baja map!). We endured a few minor get-offs in the sand, but nothing serious—except for the cactus parts that needed to get pulled out of Jose's leg.

As always, the KLR proved to be a great do-it-all mount. It carries enough gear, speeds down the pavement (especially with the new Mefo tires) and is light enough to do the dirt with minimal effort. Click the picture on the left for more photos from the trip.