Category: Motorcycle
Hits: 3729

We liked our brief overnight stay on Vancouver Island as part of last year's Canada ride so much that we went back to spend more time. This time the focus was entirely on the island. No surprise, it was fantastic.

Road side stop at Lake Crescent

Starting from home, we "raced" up the interstate to maximize our time on the island. Our one exception was an overnight in Astoria followed by a brief tour on the Olympic Peninsula. So worth it! We need to go there another time. I have wanted to ride the Astoria bridge for many years—done!

After the morning ferry ride, we arrived on the island at Victoria. A day of riding that we ended in Ucluelet was exceptional. Ocean views everywhere along with a fun ride over the mountains from the north to south side of the island.

From Ucluelet we "breakfasted" in Tofino then road back over the mountains to Port Alberni to stay in the unique Swept Away. That's a tug boat that is docked and available to stay on overnight.

Parked at the Swept Away

With out time short, we returned along the north coast to take a short 15 minute ferry from Mill Bay to Brentwood Bay, then road to Sidney. There we took the two hour evening ferry back to Anacortes in Washington state. A fast return run down the interstate got us back home.

In all, a much better exploration of Vancouver Island, but there's still more to see on some other trip.

Our pictures and a map with our track.