Birth 1861

MarriageFrank Joseph ButtonView this family

16th President of the United States
Abraham Lincoln
March 4, 1861 (aged 0)

17th President of the United States
Andrew Johnson
April 15, 1865 (aged 4 years)

18th President of the United States
Ulysses S Grant
March 4, 1869 (aged 8 years)

19th President of the United States
Rutherford B Hayes
March 4, 1877 (aged 16 years)

20th President of the United States
James A Garfield
March 4, 1881 (aged 20 years)

21st President of the United States
Chester A Arthur
September 19, 1881 (aged 20 years)

22nd President of the United States
Grover Cleveland
March 4, 1885 (aged 24 years)

23rd President of the United States
Benjamin Harrison
March 4, 1889 (aged 28 years)

Birth of a sonIsaac Victor Button
1890 (aged 29 years)

24th President of the United States
Grover Cleveland
March 4, 1893 (aged 32 years)

25th President of the United States
William McKinley
March 4, 1897 (aged 36 years)

26th President of the United States
Theodore Roosevelt
September 14, 1901 (aged 40 years)

27th President of the United States
William Howard Taft
March 4, 1909 (aged 48 years)

28th President of the United States
Woodrow Wilson
March 4, 1913 (aged 52 years)

29th President of the United States
Warren G Harding
March 4, 1921 (aged 60 years)

30th President of the United States
Calvin Coolidge
August 2, 1923 (aged 62 years)

31st President of the United States
Herbert Hoover
March 4, 1929 (aged 68 years)

32nd President of the United States
Franklin D Roosevelt
March 4, 1933 (aged 72 years)

Death of a husbandFrank Joseph Button
1938 (aged 77 years)
Burial of a husbandFrank Joseph Button
December 21, 1938 (aged 77 years)
Address: Winnemucca Cemetery
33rd President of the United States
Harry S Truman
April 12, 1945 (aged 84 years)

Death 1947 (aged 86 years)
Burial March 19, 1947 (0 after death)
Address: Winnemucca Cemetery