MarriageSamuel SpauldingView this family

Birth of a daughterDinah Spaulding
Birth of a granddaughterRachel Adams

Birth of a grandsonRev. Aaron Adams
July 22, 1771
Birth of a grandsonMoses Adams
July 22, 1771
Death of a daughterDinah Spaulding
Note: About a month after delivering twins--Aaron and Moses.
Birth of a grandsonBarney Adams
April 9, 1779

Birth of a granddaughterHannah Adams
November 19, 1780
Birth of a granddaughterAbigail Adams
May 27, 1782
Birth of a granddaughterAlice Adams
April 22, 1783

Death of a granddaughterHannah Adams
February 7, 1784
Birth of a granddaughterSally Adams
December 12, 1785
Birth of a granddaughterPaulina Adams
September 5, 1786
1st President of the United States
George Washington
April 30, 1789

Birth of a granddaughterFanny Adams
May 17, 1790

Birth of a grandsonChauncey Adams
September 30, 1791
Birth of a granddaughterClarissa Adams

Birth of a grandsonHarry Adams
November 4, 1796
2nd President of the United States
John Adams
March 4, 1797

Birth of a granddaughterHannah Adams
April 26, 1798
Death of a grandsonHarry Adams
July 1798
3rd President of the United States
Thomas Jefferson
March 4, 1801

Birth of a grandsonDaniel S. Adams

Death of a grandsonBarney Adams
February 4, 1805

Death of a granddaughterAlice Adams
October 6, 1808

4th President of the United States
James Madison
March 4, 1809

5th President of the United States
James Monroe
March 4, 1817

Death of a granddaughterSally Adams
March 4, 1821
6th President of the United States
John Quincy Adams
March 4, 1825

7th President of the United States
Andrew Jackson
March 4, 1829

Death of a grandsonDaniel S. Adams