Category: Travel
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Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model (ELM) is composed of four stages which he says are the essence of learning. They can begin with any of the following elements, but usually starts with the first and proceed in order. These elements are:

1. concrete experience - learners must involve themselves fully, openly and without bias in new experiences.

2. reflective observation of the experience from many perspectives.

3. create abstract concepts based upon the reflection into logical sound theories.

4. active testing and experimentation of the new concepts in making decisions and solving problems.

Since my retirement from regular employment began at the start of 2021, I have been traveling (mostly via motorcycle) almost continuously. Specific trips include:

  1. 2021 Jan: Colombia
  2. 2021 Feb: Baja Mexico
  3. 2021 Mar: Arizona
  4. 2021 Apr: Oregon
  5. 2021 Jun-Jul: New England
  6. 2021 Aug: Utah and Colorado
  7. 2021 Nov-Dec: Baja Mexico
  8. 2022 Apr-Jul: US-Canada perimeter
  9. 2022 Sep-Dec: New Mexico, Mexico (mainland), La Paz BCS Mexico

Now at the end of 2022, with two full years in the books, it is a good time to look back on the past two years with some reflection and summarize what's been learned.

Considering Kolb's points one at a time;

First, certainly travel via a motorcycle has presented me with many "concrete experiences". I visited new (to me) places and met new people every day throughout these travels. Was I "open and without bias"? Open yes, for sure. For me being open to the experience has always been an important part of travel. I like to meet new (particularly culturally different) people.

But, "without bias", I'm not so sure. We all bring bias to each situation. We bring a distillation of life experiences that enables us to quickly pre-judge people based on the past. It seems hard not to. Likely this is a survival skill developed over many tens of thousands of years. A rapid ability to quickly size up strangers probably served our hunter/gatherer ancestors very well. While you can't stop bias, I believe it is key to be aware that bias from pre-judgement is always with us. Be aware then be sure to test what you conclude to confirm it is not overly influenced by your bias. Awareness, not absence, has been my guiding principle when it come to bias or pre-judgement.

Second, "reflective observation". One advantage to motorcycle travel is the large amount of alone quiet time. I'm just in my head with my thoughts as I ride along during the day. Without specific effort to schedule it, a considerable amount of reflective time is available. I always use it.

Third, create "abstract concepts" from the reflection. Specific examples need to be abstracted to create future guidance. Conclusions can inform the creation of models to be used in the future. I've attempted to list the most important of these below.

Finally, fourth, "test and experiment" with the new concepts to make decisions. Coming up as I continue to travel. I intend to remember these items and test them, likely during travels in the near future.

So, what did I learn, conclude or theorize? These are in no special order and of very uneven levels of importance.

So those are my thoughts from almost two years of continuous motorcycle travel. It will continue and hopefully I'll learn more.