Category: Reviews
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The River of Doubt:Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey
The River of Doubt:Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey

Author:Candice Millard

They say...

From Bookmarks Magazine:

Every critic enjoyed Millard’s yarn about an ex-president’s fervent desire for adventure and self-acceptance. By focusing on the vivid details of Roosevelt’s journey to the Amazon as well as his relationship with his son, Millard creates much more than your typical ho-hum adventure. The beauty of this story is not just that Roosevelt’s rich history could spawn a thousand adventure stories, but that Millard’s experience with National Geographic is evident in her beautiful scenic descriptions and grisly depictions of the Amazon’s man-eating catfish, ferocious piranhas, white-water rapids, and prospect of starvation. A story deep in symbolism and thick with research, Millard succeeds where many have not; she has managed to contain a little bit of Teddy Roosevelt’s energy and warm interactions between the covers of her wonderful new book.

I say...

Not the best I've read on Teddy, but definitely a vivid read on an unusual events that are often left void in other accounts of his life.