Category: Reviews
Hits: 1880
Lost Girls

Author: Robert Kolker

They say...

Award-winning investigative reporter Robert Kolker delivers a haunting and humanizing account of the true-life search for a serial killer still at large on Long Island, in a compelling tale of unsolved murder and Internet prostitution.

One late spring evening in 2010, Shannan Gilbert, after running through the oceanfront community of Oak Beach screaming for her life, went missing. No one who had heard of her disappearance thought much about what had happened to the twenty-four-year-old: she was a Craigslist prostitute who had been fleeing a scene—of what, no one could be sure. The Suffolk County Police, too, seemed to have paid little attention—until seven months later, when an unexpected discovery in a bramble alongside a nearby highway turned up four bodies, all evenly spaced, all wrapped in burlap. But none of them Shannan's.

I say...

A fascinating story about the discovery of multiple bodies of young women due to the case of Shannan. The situation became the case of the "Long Island serial killer". This book was the basis of a movie of the same name released in 2020.

I only knew of this case from a few headlines. I found reading the details to be both fascinating and sad. A difficult book to read due to the subject matter but useful to understand and remember these women.