Category: Motorcycle
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After (mostly) recovering from a broken leg (Motorcycle accident Nov 2019) I'm anxious to get riding again. To that end, here are some plans for longer rides in 2020.

BMW MOA Rally in Great Falls, MT June 25 to 28. Now postponed to next year, 2021.

In place of plans to attend the event, I'd like to ride some back roads in northern ID and WA. This is shaping up to be a three week trip in the first three weeks of July. Given the Canadian border closure, and COVID in general, seems likely a visit to Vancouver Island will need to be delayed to another trip. Route plan: Furkot OR, ID, WA 2020.


 This one is in the bag. We rode mostly this route from July 11 to July 26. Fantastic two weeks! See the results.

Southern New Mexico mountains. In the fall, Sept 17 to 27, I'd like to visit the mountains of NM and enjoy the twisty roads through this area. Route plan: Furkot Southern NM.

This is still an active plan with stops and route changes happening from time-to-time as more info is available. Click on the link below the map for details.

New Mexico Loop


Updates will be added as the details come together.

Difficult choices. Hard to plan. Now with COVID-19 the BMW MOA Rally and many other events are either rescheduled to fall or next year. And, as I read discussions about motorcycle travel, I get mixed views. Opinion seems divided along two lines; (1.) it's a great time with no one on the road and riding is a perfect means to social distance, or (2.) travel now is too much exposure for the rider and others together with possible risk to emergency services and hospital staff if you crash.

4/20/2020 The BMW Rally has been rescheduled to June 24-27, 2021. Same location. Hum ... what to do for 2020 riding? Maybe keep the same route, spend additional days on Vancouver Island and move the dates a bit later in the year. I guess for now I need to stay flexible and watch what happens in the country.

4/26/2020 U.S./Canadian border closing until 4/21 will now be extended at least another 30 days. Given the border will be closed until 5/21, I wonder if it will be realistic to plan a ride starting on June 25.

5/11/2020 Updated to exclude travel in Canada and expand visits to locations in Washington.